March 5, 2020
Single Ladies, get your free e-book here!
CLICK HEREMarianne Mencias | March 5, 2020
One of the things I am embracing more and more and is helping me a whole lot in having the right perspective is this: I am dying. And I am around people who are also dying. Isn’t that morbid? It depends on how you choose to see it. To me, it is freeing. Sometimes, we make everything so much about us, I don’t know about you, but I fall into this trap, and this causes me to waste a lot of time and to approach relationships and opportunities the wrong way.
But when I put the truth of death in front of me, then I become more free in expressing myself, in taking risks, in cherishing my time with people, in seeing every moment as a gift, in sucking every bit of joy I could get out of the bone marrow of life. I begin to see everything as a learning experience, marvel more at things I easily take for granted, mindfully eat and experience things more like it’s the first and last time.
It also helps me prioritize what is important to God’s heart, and this gives so much more meaning to my days. The truth of the matter is, tomorrow is never guaranteed, and when you know the people around you can be taken anytime, you treasure your time together more, you look them in the eyes, you become more generous in loving.
Real freedom lies in not expecting anything in return. To love because that in itself is a reward. To prevent ourselves from sinning, because that in itself is a punishment. To not be afraid of being rejected because any good seed we plant will have a harvest somewhere, somehow. To pursue with the right intention because not doing so will only make us miserable in the long run. You and I, we are made for heaven, and I think when we remember where we really belong, it’s going to be easier to start heaven here. 🙂
I hope we will all say bye-bye to this world one day with a big smile on our face knowing we did what we were supposed to, what God planted in our hearts to do and we’ve seen our dreams happen for real which blessed the world. If you still want more clarity on your purpose, I invite you to attend Marvel Workshop Batch 4 under our Masterpiece Movement series. Click here for more details. If you wish to join and avail if the early bird discount, please email us here: masterpiecemovement@