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“I will celebrate the sheer joy of being alive. The joy of being created in the image of God.”


marianne mencias

Best Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, Coach

I love love love love reading. Told my mom already to prevent me from going to a bookstore. I think my new year resolution should be, don’t buy books for the next 6 months. One year sounds daunting. So baby steps.

I sing everywhere. I don’t notice but people have noticed. There’s always a song in my heart.

I am so in love with pretty things –places, flowers, desserts. A pretty café close to nature where I can read all day sounds like a perfect day to me.

I love traveling so much, I can live in airports! I enjoy meeting new people, exploring places, learning new things, reading while waiting for my flight (reading again?!)

I am so blessed to have found my purpose as early as now which is to love people through the gifts God has given me- primarily speaking, writing, praying and connecting with all types of people! And I love helping people find theirs! I’m a certified Gallup Strengths Coach too. I do it for individuals, but I prefer groups so gather people and let’s get started! But if you really prefer being alone, then we do one on one.

I love naps, I get so refreshed by it 1,000,000x! I pray for more nap times this year!

The thing I look forward to most in my day is spending my mornings with God and night with Him too. I have day and night routines for my prayer time. I used to not like the bible. Now I’m in love with the truth.

I love babies and kids. I just have a very special love for them. And they say the cutest things right?! I love talking and spending time with them! They remind me of my truth too with how courageous and free spirited they are!

I pray all the time. I pray for construction workers, I pray for people on the road. It just gives me so much more peace. God has given me the very best mentors who lead me even closer to His heart and plans for me- Bro. Bo Sanchez and Anthony Pangilinan and of course my own Mommey and Daddey!

My favorite shops are Hallmark, Koorong in Syndey, Craft Central, Papelmelroti in the PH, you can leave me there and I’m the happiest girl. But I also love shopping for clothes! I’ve discovered last year 2 best places to shop – Malaysia- their outlet shops are the bomb and Vietnam Saigon Square Center Tiangge!!!

My body requires unplugging, one full rest day a week and a number of days rest before and after a trip. I thank God for these revelations. I am healthy all throughout 2019, mind heart body and soul. That’s my declaration. What would be your healthy boundaries this year? What’s your declaration?

marianne mencias